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2018 Teaching Grants Awarded 

The Liberty ISD Education Foundation is pleased to announce this year’s grant winners. Three educators from Liberty Elementary School Oriana Cedeño, Andrea Hagan and Whitney Cain Shaw will be enjoying grants funded by the Liberty ISD Education Foundation. Two grants were awarded to Liberty Middle School teachers; Elisha Lemelle and Angela Brooks while Carlene Patton garnered one for the San Jacinto Elementary campus.


This year’s six grants total $16,178 and when added to the other 61 grants totaling $183,443, the total is $199, 619.13! All of the activities of the Foundation, whether a Fall Gala or the Liberty Freedom Ride, sponsor this grant program. The various projects funded in this year’s cycle are listed below by campus:


Liberty Elementary School

When I grow up, I want to become…  – Oriana Cedeño                 $778.20

This grant creates an opportunity for 5th grade bilingual class to write and print a book about career choices.

This grant is funded in part by The Dahlia McManus Endowment and The Laura Jane Hartel Endowment.


Pedal to Success – Andrea Hagan                                             $2,693.95

P.R.I.D.E. program will phase in under-desk pedal exercisers to help address some disruptive behavior. This grant will phase in these exercisers as needed. This grant is funded in part by The CW and Aggie Castle Family Endowment, The JoAnn McGuire Endowment, the C.A. (Abe) Miles Endowment, The Liberty County Farm Bureau Endowment and The Nora Miles Endowment.


Egg Incubation 4.10 C – Whitney Cain Shaw                                        $555

This grant will help students explore, illustrate and compare life cycles of living organisms. This grant is funded in part by The Mildred Arnold Endowment and The Liberty Lions Club.


Liberty Middle School


Futuristic Architecture – Angela Brooks                       


Art class tackles engineering, design and construction of famous structures. Students will create new structures as well using foam board and other materials. This grant is funded by The JoBeth Willoughby Teaching Grant , The Miles Foundation and the M.J. Joe Leonard Endowment.


Creating Tomorrow’s STEM Leaders Today – Elisha Lemelle        $7010

This grant utilizes DIVE-in engineering curriculum to enable students to de-construct, evaluate and re-construct real-world solutions. Project can include hovercrafts, subwoofers and more. This grant is funded by The Jeffrey Family Teaching Endowment, The Baxter W. Dunagan, Sr. Endowment, The Norman and Brenda Dykes Endowment and The Dr. Reese and Sara Brown Endowment.


San Jacinto Elementary School


Awesome Hour – Carlene Patton                                                             $3663

These grants are funded through contributions to the Liberty ISD Education Foundation by individual donors, businesses, corporations and community service organizations as well as through profits from our fundraising events. The Vara Martin Daniel Teaching Grant for the Fine Arts and The First Liberty National Bank Endowment fund this grant.


Upcoming Foundation events include our Denim and Diamonds Fall Gala in October and the Liberty Freedom Ride cycling event every spring. To contact the Foundation or for more information about joining in our efforts, visit our website at or call Bruce Wright, Foundation coordinator at 936-641-0367.    

Since the inception of the Foundation in 2007, sixty seven grants totaling $199,619 have been given to teachers and students at LISD campuses.

Liberty ISD Education Foundation

1517 Trinity St. or PO Box 10437 

Liberty, TX   77575                      Text/cell  936.641.0367

© 2024 by Liberty ISD Education Foundation Inc 

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